Spiritual Warfare
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Spiritual Warfare
The enemy is eager to discourage us and prevent us from serving God. Be aware that any area of weakness you struggle with now will become an even greater target for the enemy when you are on the field. Take steps now to ensure that you have safeguards in place.
Take a look at this short video for some insight into this.
While spiritual warfare as it pertains to African Traditional Religion will be discussed more in the second stage of orientation (ABO), it is good to have an idea of some aspects of spiritual warfare that you might not encounter in your home country.
In the following video (13 minutes) Tope Koleoso, pastor of Jubilee Church in London, talks about some other aspects of spiritual warfare, especially regarding those in positions of ministry.
Some questions to discuss with your Facilitator
- What are some of Satan’s strongholds in your own culture? How do you think this may differ in a culture different from your own? Discuss your own biases and reactions to the Tope Koleoso video.
- How may Satan be trying to thwart God’s purposes in you? What safeguards or accountability measures do you have in place to protect in areas of temptation? Do you need to deal with any ‘stuff’ before you go?
- How are your relationships? This is an area the enemy always seeks to destroy! Do you need to seek resolution to a conflict? Seek or offer forgiveness? (Matthew 18:15-17 and 15:23-24)
- How pure is your lifestyle? What are you doing to guard your thoughts? (Psalm 119:9)
- Do you have a program (such as Covenant Eyes) on your personal computer to help guard against internet temptations? Are there other measures you need to put in place?
- Be aware of areas of vulnerability in both your home culture and your personal life.
- Have safeguards and accountability in place to protect against the enemy’s attempts to exploit your weaknesses.